

ウクライナを旅行したことはありませんが、Google Mapsの上で「お気に入り」に登録した世界中の場所は7800箇所で、その中には、ウクライナもあります。ウクライナへのシンパシーを表明するために、ウクライナの街を、国を想像してみます。侵攻がなければ、人々を引きつけるたくさんの魅力があったことを共有し、平和になったウクライナをいつか訪れてみたい。


In the SNS of Ukrainian citizens last week against the invasion, a man conveyed a strained air while walking a dog in Kyiv, and a missile bomb exploded near an old lady who was walking normally. The tragic reality of the war made me feel nervous. During one week, the situation has been more serious. The same thing would have happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unlike Ukraine, due to the poor Internet environment, I didn't understand the actual situation of the war other than the information of the mass media. In the future, this war must be a war that has changed the way to communicate. I admire the strength of the Ukrainian citizens who send out the dangerous situation and hope that a lot of information will become a power for the world to support them and stop the invasion.

I've never traveled Ukraine. I checked all over the world on Google Maps, with 7,800 favorites, including Ukraine. I imagine the places of Ukraine to express sympathy. I want to share with you that Ukraine has many attractive places which this invasion ruined. One day I want to visit Ukraine with the restoration of peace.

So, I will change the title from "Get over the Corona then go travel" to "Get over the Covid 19 and war then go travel".

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions
