
During one week at the beginning of August, the delight of Nebuta fills Aomori city. Before Covid 19, tourists more than 3 million visit this big festival, and performing teams have hundreds of members for each one at maximum. In 2011 when I visited, 22 large-scale nebuta floats sponsored by large companies and organizations, and 19 medium-sized and small-scale nebuta floats sponsored by neighborhood associations, children's associations, and high schools participated.

See the Nebuta float sponsored by Prefectural Nebuta Executive Committee in 2011. It was titled with "Guān Yǔ and Old Huáng Zhōng" based on a Chinese legend, and the Nebuta artist Gako Oshiro produced.







At 7:00 p.m., a festival started under the sky where brightness remained. The lead of each team was a group of musical accompaniment. The melody of the flute plays a pity tone. But, since the rhythm, which drums and the Jangara beat, was well articulated, the whole tune sounded quite forcefully. 

Appearing in the next was a float as the main performance. As it became darker, the form with a theme based on the Kabuki or a historical fact became vivid and brought to life. The location of the prefectural capital enabled the support of companies that placed a branch. Therefore, the cost of a big float of the Aomori Nebuta was said to be 20 million Japanese yen per set, and the frame by the combination of light steel, wood, bamboo and wire forms a complicated model covered with Japanese paper.

At the moment when a Nebuta float pulled to the menfolk has run toward spectators at full speed, I felt the strength most. Pulling a 4-ton of float was a big task for about 20 persons, and they dashed aslant from one side to the other side of a wide street. Just before colliding against spectator seats, they braced their legs to stop the float, and soon, without taking breath, they changed the course 90 degrees and went to the opposite side. It was a repetition of the short-distance running of 45 meters.

By a float and the menfolk that were coming to the spectator seats at full speed so that those might be about to jump into them, the adrenalin of  spectators went up. At the moment when the float carried out the quick stop just before the rope stretched on the sidewalk, their absurd energy with excessive force got down to the spectators on the seat. They filled with energy. That gave vigor to them.

At last, the Haneto (that means jumping people), whose shout of "Rasserah” is familiar, appeared. They hopped madly on one leg with the vivid flower hat on the head and the blue underskirt under the summer kimono. The dance is not difficult but discharges energy.

Aomori, where a severe and long winter continues, gives a dark impression, but the strength of the Aomori Nebuta corrected my prejudice. Aomori was also the stage of the famous movie "Aoi Sanmyaku (Blue Mountain Range) ”, which became a symbol of a bright and free society brought with the end of World War II. So, Aomori may be a brilliant place where the brilliance shut up during the long winter reappears with tremendous power.

Once the Aomori Nebuta floats had emphasized height. The present floats were produced with the height possible to pass under the signal and electric wire without operation. Meanwhile, a horizontal spread with 9-meter was defined not by the width of wide streets as the parade route but the width between the electric poles on both sides of a road which a float passes to return to a warehouse. The townscape decided the height and the width of Aomori Nebuta floats. However, a human wants to build to the maximum size. I witnessed that a float could not pass through between the electric poles at a return path with a slight deviation, and the arm of Nebuta came off.

At 7:00 p.m. the Nebuta parade starts.
See the drum float for a musical accompaniment. In Aomori Nebuta, only the drums were placed on the drum float, and the players beat while walking.
See the Japanese flute players for a musical accompaniment. There were so many players in one team.
The Haneto (that means jumping people), who shouted "Rasserah” , kept hopping madly on one leg.
See the Nebuta float sponsored by Minatomachi community in 2011. It was titled with "Tamuramaro and Aterui" based on a Japanese legend. It ran down the road with great speed.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Minatomachi community in 2011. It was titled with "Tamuramaro and Aterui".
Tthe  Nebuta float sponsored by Maruha Nichiro Nebuta Association paraded on the main street in 2011. Each Nebuta is finished with a different shape on each of its four sides, and the skill of the Nebuta artist shows off in integrating them in one.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Maruha Nichiro Nebuta Association in 2011. It was titled with "Big Dipper as the god of literature" based on a Chinese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
See the back view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Maruha Nichiro Nebuta Association in 2011. It was titled with "Big Dipper as the god of literature" based on a Chinese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
NTTグループのねぶた「正義の神 阿修羅の怒り」(ねぶた師:北村春一、2011年)。大通りの巡行を側面から見る。
The Nebuta float sponsored by NTT group paraded on the Main Street in 2011. It was titled with "God of Justice Asura's Wrath" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Syunichi Kitamura produced.
NTTグループのねぶた「正義の神 阿修羅の怒り」(ねぶた師:北村春一、2011年)の正面。
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by NTT group in 2011. It was titled with "God of Justice Asura's Wrath" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Syunichi Kitamura produced.
NTTグループのねぶた「正義の神 阿修羅の怒り」(ねぶた師:北村春一、2011年)の背面。
See the back view of the Nebuta float sponsored by NTT group in 2011. It was titled with "God of Justice Asura's Wrath" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Syunichi Kitamura produced.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Prefecture Sheet Metal Industry Association in 2011. It was titled with "Earth Spider" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Renmei Kitamura produced.
See the back view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Prefecture Sheet Metal Industry Association in 2011. It was titled with "Earth Spider" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Renmei Kitamura produced.
日立連合ねぶた委員会のねぶた「激突!赤と黒 大坂夏の陣」(ねぶた師:北村蓮明、2011年)の巡行。
The Nebuta float sponsored by Hitachi Group Nebuta Committee paraded in 2011. It was titled with "Red and Black Clash at Osaka Summer Battle" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Renmei Kitamura produced.
パナソニックねぶた会のねぶた「水滸伝 洪信、百八の魔王を放つ」(ねぶた師:北村蓮明、2011年)の巡行。
The Nebuta float sponsored by Panasonic Nebuta Association paraded in 2011. It was titled with "Water Margin - Hong Xin releases one hundred and eight demon lords" based on a Chinese leterature, and the Nebuta artist Renmei Kitamura produced.
青森青年会議所のねぶた「村上義光 錦旗奪還」(ねぶた師:内山龍星、2011年)の巡行。
The Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Junior Chamber paraded in 2011.
青森青年会議所のねぶた「村上義光 錦旗奪還」(ねぶた師:内山龍星、2011年)の正面。
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Junior Chamber in 2011. It was titled with "Yoshimitsu Murakami recaptured the Brocade Flag" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
See the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Ryoyukai in 2011 form the side. It was titled with "The Demon Mask of Tamuramaro and Myokengu" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Ryoyukai in 2011. It was titled with "The Demon Mask of Tamuramaro and Myokengu" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori Ryoyukai in 2011. It was titled with "The Demon Mask of Tamuramaro and Myokengu" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Hiroo Takenami produced.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori City PTA Association in 2011. It was titled with "Mongaku and Fudo Myoo" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Ryusei Uchiyama produced.
See the side view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori City PTA Association in 2011. It was titled with "Mongaku and Fudo Myoo" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Ryusei Uchiyama produced.
See the side and back view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Aomori City PTA Association in 2011. It was titled with "Mongaku and Fudo Myoo" based on a Japanese legend, and the Nebuta artist Ryusei Uchiyama produced.
See the front view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Prefectural Nebuta Executive Committee in 2011. It was titled with "Guān Yǔ and Old Huáng Zhōng" based on a Chinese legend, and the Nebuta artist Gako Oshiro produced.
See the back view of the Nebuta float sponsored by Prefectural Nebuta Executive Committee in 2011. After the parade was over, the Nebuta float was returning to the team's warehouse on a dark street with electric poles on both sides.

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions

もっと詳しく → 青森のお祭り:青森ねぶた - 1(青森、青森、日本)
もっと詳しく → 青森のお祭り:青森ねぶた - 2(青森、青森、日本)
When you want to know more → Traditional Festivals in Aomori : Aomori Nebuta - 1
(Aomori city, Aomori, Japan)

When you want to know more → Traditional Festivals in Aomori : Aomori Nebuta - 2
(Aomori city, Aomori, Japan)

参考文献 / reference
"青森県の歴史散歩" (青森県高等学校地方史研究会編, 山川出版社, 2007)
"図説青森県の歴史" (成田稔・長谷川成一, 河出書房新社, 1991)
"弘前ねぷた速報ガイド2011" (路上社, 2011)

写真の無断使用、転用はご遠慮下さい。/ Please do not use or upload our photos without permission.
