
Traditional events are memories and records of the community's most prosperous times. The population of Ibukijima is less than 500 people now, so the number of festivals may seem excessive. However, they tell the most energetic era of the island, when 4,000 people lived there, and fishery sales were up to 4 billion yen.

10月 : 「ちょうさ」で、集落の急坂を山車の太鼓台が下って来る。
October : At the Chosa, the Taikodai of the float goes down the steep slope of the village.






The Momote Matsuri Festival held on February 1st of the lunar calendar heralds the arrival of spring. It has a record from the 18 century, where men in unlucky years and junior high school students shoot bows to pray for a bountiful harvest and a big catch. March 21st of the lunar calendar is the day of the Shima-Shikoku (Shikoku in the island), an event unique to Ibuki Island. The 88 stone buddhist statues on the island are likened to the pilgrimage of the 88 temples in Shikoku (Shikoku Hatijyuhachikasyo). If pilgrims go around them, they will receive the same benefits as visiting the 88 temples. Worthy of mention is the hospitality of the islanders to the pilgrims. Islanders welcome pilgrims with sweets, bread, and drinks at the temple, where Kobo Daishi, the grate buddhism teacher, is enshrined, and more than a dozen Fishermen's boss's processing factories. The tradition of welcoming pilgrims warmly lives on in Ibukijima, just like on the Shikoku mainland, where the 88 Temples pilgrimage takes place.

Before lifting the ban on Japanese anchovy fishery, the Dekomawashi Wooden Doll Performance from Tokushima prefecture is taken place to pray for a big catch by moving two dolls of Yobessan and Ryosukesan, the deities of fishing enshrined by each fishermen boss house. Then, in June, when the rainy season arrives, the Chinowa Kuguri (passing through a hoop made of plants of the sedge family) is installed at the Ibuki Hachiman Shrine in the center of the village, and Tayus (dancer) of the Sanuki Sato Kagura (sacred dance), whom islanders invite from the mainland, dedicate Kagura dance during the day and night. Some of the performances are so sharp that they can look contemporary dance. The event concludes with the Modoshikagura performance, in which the priest pokes a tofu (soybean curd) and an unglazed earthenware and breaks them with chopsticks to reset the time from the special day to the normal day. Quite ferocious behavior is unbelievable.

At the height of summer, when Japanese anchovy fishery is at their peak, the Minato Matsuri Festival is held to pray for a big catch. The shrine parishioners put the big Ebisu-sama (deity of wealth) statue in the shrine outside. They and the statue board a fleet of ships with big catch flags. First, the fleet make three turns in the harbor to pray the shrine, then they visit a nearby small islands and have a party on board. Since parishioners keep pouring sake liquor in turn, the Ebisu-sama becomes drink-reddened face with sake. On the way back, the fleet also make three turns in front of two different shrines that enshrine Ebisu-sama statue on the island before returning to the port. At that time, the people, who board the ship, and the people, who watch on land, wave towels to each other, and warm interaction through the towels generates.

Autumn is the season for the Chosa, which flourishes along the coast from Kagawa prefecture to Niihama in Ehime prefecture, Shikoku. Three floats called Taikodai parade. Even if the number is fewer than on the mainland, they go back to the 18th century and are the most prestigious floats in Kagawa Prefecture. The characteristic different from the mainland is the difference in elevation of the route on which the Taikodai floats, weighing more than 1 ton, parade, and the transfer of the portable shrine on the sea. The Chosa's climax is a contest where bearers stretch their arms and lift the Taikodai float. This contest is also familiar with the portable shrines in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but the Taikodai float is much heavier, so it is energetic. 

The islands of the Seto Inland Sea look small from the mainland. However, each island must have built a rich world colored by various traditional events like Ibukijima island. The issues are how to maintain traditional events while the population is declining, and how to change the division of roles between men and women in the fishing industry, which is reflected in traditional events.

旧暦の2月1日 : 百手祭り / February 1 of the lunar calendar : Momote Matsuri Festival

旧暦の2月1日 : 「百手祭り」で、射手が弓を射るところ。
February 1 of the lunar calendar : At the Momote Matsuri Festival, archers shoot bows.
旧暦の2月1日 : 「百手祭り」で、射手が弓を射るところ。
February 1 of the lunar calendar : At the Momote Matsuri Festival, an archer shoots bows.
旧暦の2月1日 : 泡沫候補だった網元が、見事に的に当て、賞金を獲得した。
February 1 of the lunar calendar : A fishermen's boss, who was a minor top favorite, hit the target and won the prize.
旧暦の2月1日 : 「百手祭り」。
February 1 of the lunar calendar : The Momote Matsuri Festival.
旧暦の2月1日 : 「百手祭り」。
February 1 of the lunar calendar : The Momote Matsuri Festival.

4月 : 先生のお見送り / April : Send-off Event for teachers

4月 : 年度の終わりに、島を去る先生の歓送会が開かれる。
April : At the end of the school year, a farewell party is held for the teacher who is leaving the island.
4月 : 飲み明かした歓送会の翌朝、生徒と島民が、先生たちを紙テープで見送る。
April : In the morning after the farewell party after drinking all night, the students and islanders send the teachers off with paper tape.
4月 : 飲み明かした歓送会の翌朝、生徒と島民が、先生たちを紙テープで見送る。
April : In the morning after the farewell party after drinking all night, the students and islanders send the teachers off with paper tape.
4月 : 春の別れ。
April : Send the teachers off in the spring.

旧暦の3月21日 : 島四国 / March 23 of the lunar calendar : Shimashikoku

旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、道の傍に並ぶお地蔵様に新しい赤い前掛けが掛けられ、その向こうでは、お接待の準備をしている。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shimashikoku, new red aprons are hung on the statue of the guardian deities of children lined up by the road, and an islander prepares sweets to give pilgrims.
旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、参詣者が、お地蔵様にお賽銭を上げている。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shima Shikoku, pilgrims donate money to the statues of guardian deities of children.
旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、参詣者が、お地蔵様の傍で、持鈴を鳴らして、読経している。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shima Shikoku, pilgrims ring a bell and recites sutras next to a statue of guardian deities of children.
旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、網元が、参詣者をお接待するお菓子や飲み物を、いりこの加工場の入口に並べている。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shima Shikoku, a fishermen's boss offers sweets and drinks to show hospitality to pilgrims at the entrance of the dried Japanese anchovy processing factory.
旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、参詣者をお接待するお菓子や飲み物を、いりこの加工場に並べている島民。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shima Shikoku, islanders arrange sweets and drinks to show hospitality to pilgrims inside the dried Japanese anchovy processing factory.
旧暦の3月21日 : 「島四国」で、お接待のためのお菓子や飲み物が、いりこの加工場に置かれたお地蔵様の両脇に置かれ、参詣者を待っている。
March 23 of the lunar calendar : At the Shima Shikoku, sweets and drinks to show hospitality wait for pilgrims on both side of a statue of guardian deities of children in the dried Japanese anchovy processing factory. The poster writes that each person should take one bag at a time.

6月 : 木偶回し / June : Dekomawashi Wooden Doll Performance

6月 : 網元の屋敷に飾られている、漁の神、木偶のヨベッサンの人形。徳島から訪れた木偶回し(でこまわし)が、各網元を訪ねて操る、
June : See a wooden doll decorated at a fishermen's boss's residence. The Dekomawashi Wooden Doll Performer from Tokushima prefecture manipulates the doll. 
6月 : 瀬戸内海歴史民俗資料館に展示されている、伊吹島の木偶のヨベッサンとリョースケサンの人形。
June : See wooden dolls of the deities of fishing, Yobessan and Ryosukesan, exhibited at Seto Inland Sea Museum of History and Folklore.

6月 : 神楽 / June : Kagura (sacred dance)

6月 : 神楽の公演の日に、伊吹八幡神社で行われる茅の輪くぐり。室内で行われるのが珍しい。
June : See the Chinowa Kuguri (passing through a hoop made of plants of the sedge family) taken place at the Ibuki Hachiman Shrine before the performance of the Kagura (sacred dance).
6月 : 伊吹八幡神社の境内で行われる昼の神楽の公演。太夫同士の即興の掛け合い漫才のようなやり取りが楽しい。
June : See the performance of the Kagura (sacred dance) taken place in the precinct of the Ibuki Hachiman Shrine in the daytime. It's fun to see the improvisational dialogue between the Tayus, like a comic act.
6月 : 西の堂で行われる夜の神楽の公演。コンテンポラリーダンスのような驚異的な舞。
June : See the performance of the Kagura (sacred dance) taken place in front of the small temple in the night. He performs an astonishing dance like contemporary dance.
6月 : 神楽の終了後に神職が時間をリセットするために行うモドシカグラ。木の箸で、かわらけを壊している。
June : See the Modoshikagura that the priests take place after the Kagura (sacred dance) to reset time. They break an unglazed earthenware with wooden chopsticks.

7月 : 港祭り / July : Minato Matsuri Festival

7月 : 「港祭り」で、氏子が、社に祀っていた大きな恵比寿様(ヨベッサン)を外に出し、船に載せるために行進している。
July : At the Minato Matsuri Festival, the shrine parishioners put the big Ebisu-sama (deity of wealth) statue in the shrine outside and parade to board a fleet of ships.
7月 : 「港祭り」で、恵比寿様(ヨベッサン)を載せた船団が、出航する。
July : At the Minato Matsuri Festival, a fleet of ships, on which the Ebisu-sama (deity of wealth) statue is put, departs to the sea.
7月 : 「港祭り」で海上を航行する船の上では、宴会が開かれ、恵比寿様(ヨベッサン)は、皆の掛けた酒が滲みて、真っ黒になっている。
July : On the board of ships, which sail on the sea at the Minato Matsuri Festival, a party is held, and the Ebisu-sama statue is completely black with the sake liquor that everyone has poured.
7月 : 「港祭り」で、船に乗る人と、陸で見守る人がタオルを振り合っている。
July : At the Minato Matsuri Festival, the people, who board the ship, and the people, who watch on land, wave towels to each other.

8月 : 地蔵盆 / August : Jizo-bon Festival

8月 : 「地蔵盆」が開かれ、お地蔵様に持鈴を鳴らして、読経している。
August : At the Jizo-bon Festival, islanders ring a bell and recites sutras to a statue of guardian deities of children.

10月 : ちょうさ / October : Chosa

10月 : 「ちょうさ」で披露される山車の太鼓台の一つ。屋根の上に、逆ピラミッド型に布団を積み重ねるのが太鼓台の特徴。
October : At the Chosa, one of the Taikodais of the float is exhibited. The characteristic of the Taikodai is that the futon mats are stacked on top of the roof in an inverted pyramid shape.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」で、神輿が、伊吹八幡神社から宮出しされ、港を目指して、石段を下りて行く。
October : At the Chosa, a mikoshi (portable shrine) is taken out from the Ibuki Hachiman Shrine and goes down the stone steps toward the port.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」で、山車の太鼓台が、港を目指して、集落の急坂を下って来る。
October : At the Chosa, the Taikodais go down a steep slope toward the port.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」で、神輿を海上渡御するための船。2隻を合体し、大漁旗で飾っている。
October : See the ships to transfer the portable shrine on the sea at the Chosa. The two ships are combined and decorated with a big fishing flag.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」での、神輿の海上渡御。
October : See the portable shrine transferred on the sea at the Chosa.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」での神輿の海上渡御の船上では、氏子同士が墨塗りを行う。
October : On the board of the ships to transfer the portable shrine on the sea at the Chosa, the parishioners mutually paint their faces with Japanese ink.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」で神輿の海上渡御が終わり、港から神社に戻る道中。厄年の氏子が、道すがら、替わる替わる芸を見せるため、神輿は遅々として進まない。
October : See the way back to the shrine from the port after the portable shrine transferred on the sea at the Chosa. The parishioners of unlucky age show different tricks along the way, so the portable shrine is slow to move forward.
10月 : 「ちょうさ」の最後に境内で行われる太鼓台のかき比べ。
October : See the contest where bearers stretch their arms and lift the Taikodai float taken place in the precinct of the shrine.

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions

もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 百手祭
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 春の別れ-1
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 春の別れ-2
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 島四国
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 神楽
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 港祭り
もっと詳しく → トイレの家を伊吹島で - 伊吹島とはこんなところ 地蔵盆

参考文献 / reference
"伊吹島の民俗 : 香川県観音寺市伊吹町 : 特集号"(香川民俗学会,1991)

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