
Introduce an architecture designed by Rogelio Salmona, the architect representing Colombia.

Look up Torres del Parque from the ground.





Most of Colombia's modern buildings were solid and steady, and I didn't have much interest in them when I lived there. The only architecture that I had a strong impression was Torres del Parque, the housing complex located on the northern edge of Centro (Downtown). Three high-rise and curved apartments, which were produced of a brick, surrounded a circular bullfighting arena as if it were a motif. Unlike ordinary brick buildings, which tend to have a simple shape, they rose while shifting dwelling units intricately as if rotating. (It seems to be a combined structure of bricks and reinforced concrete, but in the book I have, it is written as a brick construction.)

The architect was Rogelio Salmona. He was one of several disciples of Le Corbusier in South America, and a great architect representing Colombia. To tell the truth, I didn't know his name when I was living in Bogotá, and it was in Japan that I encountered the name. In the mid-2000s, a small exhibition was held in Japan as well.

In the early 1990s, when I lived in Bogotá, Centro (Downtown) had many high-rise buildings containing large corporations, but the district didn't have a good image. However, Torres del Parque was completed between 1965 and 1970. I thought it was luxury apartments symbolizing the prosperity of Centro (Downtown) before the economic center moved to Norte (North). But it was a housing complex for low and middle-income people. Salmona's design, which did not give a negative image, was splendid, and I admired the national power of Colombia that supplied such public housing to citizens in the 1960s.

Among the cities in South America, Bogotá has a large number of buildings that use exposed bricks as a finish material, from slums to luxury houses. Brick was a local material in Bogotá. However, in the slums of Sur, an exposed unglazed brick was frequently used due to cost, while in Norte, a high-class residential area, the careful finish with a unglazed brick created dignity. In any case, most buildings were designed with rectangular solid as a usual way to use a brick. This housing complex was an architecture that tried to open up the possibilities of a brick while showing respect in the context of Bogotá.

See Centro (Downtown) in Bogotá. Three towers of Torre del Parque and a bullring surrounded by them can be seen in the center right.
See three towers of Torre del Parque. The features of design like rotating and shifting can be seen in the left tower.
See Torre del Parque and the circular bullring in front of it.
Look up Torres del Parque from the ground.

See the detail of the exterior appearance that appears to rotate and shift.
See the detail of the exterior appearance that appears to rotate and shift.
Example of brick architecture in Bogotá : In Sur (South district), there are many buildings which used the exposed bricks as finish. In the house on the left, the side adjoining to a neighboring house uses large base unglazed bricks, and the façade facing the street uses small finishing glazed bricks, and bricks are selected depending on the part. The rough large base bricks on the neighboring house side get out of sight when the neighbor's house will be built, and only the small finishing bricks on the street side are seen by people. The signboard on the right side writes "DROGAS" that means drug. It would show the trade of drug ?
ボゴタの煉瓦建築の例:スール(南地区)の 中央の家は、隣地側は、下地用の大きなサイズの素焼き煉瓦を、道路側ファサードは仕上用の小さなサイズの釉薬の掛かった煉瓦を使い、部位に応じて使い分けている。
Example of brick architecture in Bogotá : In Sur (South district), in the house on the center, the side adjoining to a neighboring house uses large base unglazed bricks, and the façade facing the street uses small finishing glazed bricks, and the way to select a brick depends on the part.
Example of brick architecture in Bogotá : See the housing of Norte (North District). Those were designed with rectangular solid as a usual way. The exterior, carefully finished with small finishing glazed bricks, gives a sense of dignity.
See the books of Rogelio Salmona.

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参考文献 / reference
"Salmona" (Ricardo L. Castro, Villegas Editores, 1998)
"Rogelio Salmona Un acuerdo tácito con la historia" (Claudio Conenna, Architecthum Plus SC, 2017)
"ロヘリオ・サルモナの建築 ー場の詩学ー" (大成建設ギャルリー・タイセイ, 在日コロンビア共和国大使館, 2008)

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