
El Ateneo is selected as one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.


たくさんの本に、作家の文化的背景としてのブエノスアイレスの豊かさを垣間見ましたが、探していた5冊のうち見つかったのは1冊だけ。落胆して通りに出ると、数軒先に小さな書店。芸術系の本が充実していたので入ると、残り4冊がすべて置かれているではありませんか。日本の大書店もそうですが、El Ateneoも、冊数は多い割に、同じ本がたくさんで、思ったほど種類はないのかもしれません。


The space of El Ateneo that renovated an ex-theater was suitable for a literary city that produced outstanding artists such as Borges, Cortasar, or Puig.

Many books gave a glimpse of Buenos Aires' richness as a cultural background for the artists, but only one of the five books that I was looking for was found. When I got discouraged and went out to the street, I found a small bookstore a few houses away. It had a lot of art books, so I entered and found four books of the rest there. Similarly to Japanese big bookstores, El Ateneo also has a large number of books, but many of them may be the same book.

When the staff at the small bookstore knew that I was Japanese, he talked eagerly about the documentary on Japan that he just saw on TV. The content introduced a lot of withdrawal people, or men who was wearing a brassiere. All of which were one aspect of Japan, but I'm not really happy. However, a bookstore with this kind of communication is fun.

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