
How is Art Setouchi 2022 in its 5th and twelve year since its 1st related to houses and village on islands?

See Ura village as the venue of the art festival in Takamishima island.





The first time I visited Takamijima island was in 2010 when the art festival started in the far islands in the same prefecture. This Island had no visitors. Wonderful houses were left in the slope village, but many houses were abandoned, and only three residents lived. Most were at the top of the stairs, and it was difficult for the aged to live there. So, when the island was selected as the venue for the art festival in 2013, I thought that the village had a chance to survive.

I had imagined a future where Takamijima and other islands would revive the houses and villages along with the art festival, but it was a little different. From the artist's point of view, it is an authentic method to create an artwork based on its current state of a house. A part of the artworks were installed after having removed the floor in bad condition. It must be a one-time artwork which will not back to the original? The house on Ibukijima island had a taste of a modern traditional Japanese design, which was rare on the island, but the traditional floor was removed so that people would walked with shoes on. Since the architect's viewpoint was "house-oriented", I was skeptical about artworks that lacks consideration for the house. 

The art festival has become a catalyst for attracting people back to the islands close to Takamatsu as a prefecture capital, and migrants restored old houses. But, in the islands far from Takamatsu, few tourists visited except the festival period, and the movement to restore was weak. 

It is the most successful art festival in Japan, with nearly 1 million visitors and an economic effect of 20 billion yen in 2019. So, now it seems to advance the phase that the national and prefectural governments should support in the restoration of houses and villages that will serve as art venues, and propose an artwork in the restored place. 

See Ura village as the venue of the art festival in Takamishima island.
Takamishima island : See the artwork by Kohei Takekoshi which removed the wooden floor on the 1st floor.
高見島:Eri Hayashiさんの作品。1階の床を撤去したインスタレーション。2階は、会期中、アートショップとなり、しっかりと壁で固められ、什器が置かれていたため、上下の構造バランスが悪くなっていた。
Takamishima island : See the artwork by Eri Hayashi which removed the wooden floor on the 1st floor. The 2nd floor was used as an art shop. The walls were firmly established and fixtures were placed. Therefore, the structural balance between the 1st and 2nd floor was not good.
Takamishima island : See the artwork by Akari Yamashita. As for the design and preservation, this house was very nice. So, I was skeptical to install the artwork since the architecture alone is enough to appreciate. 
Takamishima island : See the artwork by Kentaro Suzuki. The tatami mats are removed, the shoji paper screen is replaced in blue paper, and the artworks were inserted between the columns and alcoves. It was an installation that did not burden too much on the house.
Takamishima island : See a permanent artwork by Kayako Nakajima completed in 2013. All openings in the house are closed, and light enters through small holes in the walls and roof. The holes are filled with acrylic rods to protect against rain.
Ibukijima island : See the artwork by Gegerboyo. Most of the traditional Japanese design were hidden.
Ogijima island : See the artwork by Ekaterina Muromtseva. The installation was light. But it did not mesh well with the space composition of the Japanese style room. Wouldn't it have been better to put the TV in the alcove and decide the direction of the installation?
Ogijima island : See the artwork by Akinori Matsumoto. It was the most attractive installation on Ogijima island, but even in the permanent work, the exterior of the house was peeling off more than before.
Megijima island : See the artwork by Yuki Okawa. The inside and outside of the house were filled with blinds made from old clothes.
Honjima island : See the artwork by Arin Rungjang. The artwork itself was good, but the heavy stones placed on the tatami mats, and the paper fittings that looked like they had been intentionally removed rather than decayed, were worriesome. The former residents may feel a little sad.
Honjima island : See the artwork by Alicja Kwade. Although the stones of the tatami mats were worrisome, this work seemed to retain respect for the house.

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions

高見島 / Takamishima island

伊吹島 / Ibukijima island

男木島 / Ogijima Island

本島 / Honjima island

参考文献 / reference
瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022公式ガイドブック アートと島を巡る旅(北川フラム/瀬戸内国際芸術祭実行委員会,現代企画室,2022)

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