
The University of Ruhuna is one of 16 universities in Sri Lanka. 





The separated school buildings overlapped over the slope of the hill, connected by a network of passageways and stairs.

The first impression was a normal campus on the slope. Indoor classrooms, semi-outdoor gathering places, and outdoor gardens were disposed with well balance. The campus was a climate-friendly and attractive place for study. However, because of the low cost, there were not many spaces to show. The buildings with red tile roof, simple columns and beams, regular windows, and finished with plaster or paint looked a simple colonial architecture.

However, after walking for a while, my impression changed. For buildings that were simply arranged along the terrain, there are many ups and downs. Observed in detail, each school building was geometrically disposed by combining 90 degrees, 60 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees, not along the meandering terrain. It approached the meandering of the terrain to some extent, but didn't fit the terrain exactly due to prioritizing the design rule. So, the passageways were straight according to the angle. Whether you walk straight or change direction, stairs appear and you have to go ups and downs.

Another landscape with a discrepancy with the terrain was the real nature of the University of Ruhuna. Similarly to the Kandalama Hotel, Bawa's architectures seems to set it apart from the simple respect for landscapes. 

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions

もっと詳しく → 旅行の時間 - ジェフリー・バワの建築:ルフナ大学(マータラ、スリランカ)
When you want to know more → Time of Travel - Architecture of Geoffrey Bawa : Ruhunu University (Matara, Sri Lanka)

参考文献 / reference
"Geoffrey Bawa the Complete Works" (David Robson, Thames & Hudson, 2002)

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