
Ibukijima island produces the highest class of “Iriko (dried Japanese anchovy),” which is the material for making broth. That is because the fishing grounds are nearby, and anchovies can be processed in a short period of time after being caught while still being very fresh. So Iriko produced on Ibukijima Island is the standard in high-end restaurants in the Western Japan.

See Ibukijima Island and a ship for Japanese anchovy fishery.







Although the island is small, the total anual sales of Iriko in the island reached at 2 billion Japanese yen in high years, 800 million Japanese yen in low years, and 4 billion Japanese yen in 1980 at the highest. Dozens of fishermen bosses hire locals and people from outside the island. The island has an unwritten rule that sales are divided equally between fishermen boss, workers, and expenses. As sales increase, wages of workers increase. At its peak, the monthly salary exceeded 1 million Japanese yen. That is why the islanders own many houses on the island and on the mainland. When the whole family worked under a fisherman boss, they could built their house by one year labor. In the past, Iriko fishing lasted until winter. Now it is only allowed from June to September due to the protection of fishing resources. Sales have declined due to the short fishing season and the effects of global warming. In 2022, due to the poor catch in other regions, the transaction price of Ibukijima Island soared, resulting in sales for the first time in 20 years.

Fishing ships depart at 5:30 in the morning in June and July and at 6:00 in August. At the same time as the time comes, the ships leave together from the port to the newly dawned sea.

It is called "Patch Net Fishing." Because the shape of the net resembles a bifurcated patch. Two ships are paired. When they arrive at the fishing grounds, they hold the wire attached to the tip of the nets and move about 100 to 200 meters apart. A net spread out in the sea between the two ships is slowly moved in the opposite direction of the school of fish swimming toward the sun, and the fish enter the net. After about 30 minutes, the two ships are combined and pull up the nets. The anchovies scurrying about reveal. They repeat this process until near sunset.

A high-speed carrier transports anchovies landed at sea to the island where the processing plant is located. The fish is sucked up from the ship with a hose, sorted into baskets, boiled for 4-5 minutes, and dried in a drying room for 3-12 hours depending on size. As soon as Iriko production finishes, other ship takes to the fish market that the Ibuki Fishery Cooperative owns in Kanonji Port on the mainland to put up for auction.

In the summer, Ibukijima is very busy on the ship and at the processing plant. Some natives, who worked outside the island, said that they didn't return to the island during the Bon festival (the traditional summer ceremony to visit their ancestors tombs) because they were called out for help as soon as they returned to their homes. Iriko fishing was a lucrative work. However, everyone didn't necessarily want to do because it was hard work.

The dried Japanese anchovies (Iriko) are soaked in water and rest for about half a day to make broth. It will have a slight bitter taste, so it is better to take the time to remove the head and internal organs to make an elegant and gentle broth. I am practicing that, but, in a recent newspaper article, the owner of a top-class Japanese restaurant who used local ingredients talked that he did not remove the heads or internal organs of Iriko to create complicated taste with bitterness in his cooking. Whoops!.

いりこ漁 / Japanese anchovy fishery

See ships for Japanese anchovy fishery departing from the port of Ibukijima island in early morning.
The ships for Japanese anchovy fishery are carried out in units of two ships, so the two ships are combined and headed for the fishing grounds.
When two ships arrive at the fishing grounds, they hold the wire attached to each tip of the nets with the shape of a bifurcated patch and move about 100 to 200 meters apart.
After about 30 minutes, the two ships are combined again and pull up the nets. 
The fishermen moves Japanese anchovies that was just fished to a high-speed boat heading to the island's processing plant.
See Japanese anchovies that was just fished。

加工 / Processing

At the processing plant, the anchovies are transferred to steaming wooden baskets and placed on automated lanes for automatic boiling.
See freshly boiled Japanese anchovies.
The low room on the right is the drying room, where metal racks with steam baskets are put in to dry.
The dried Japanese anchovies are sent down the lane, and after removing the defective products, they are put into boxes.
See a box in which dried Japanese anchovies are packed.
See dried Japanese anchovies bagged for retail. Oba type in the center is a high quality product that makes the most delicious broth.

加工場の景観 / Landscape of Japanese anchovies processing plants

For 1.2 kilometers along the shore, more than a dozen fishermen's boss have their dried Japanese anchovies processing plants. In contrast to the scenic landscape in the center of the village, most of the buildings are finished with corrugated cement slate and have an external shape determined by function, creating an irresistible scenery for factory moe (geek).

いりこ飯 / Iriko-meshi rice

See Iriko-meshi rice cooked in dried Japanese anchovies broth. Islanders almost cook without ingredients but, in this one, carrots, burdock root, fried tofu, etc. are added. It is the specialty of Ibukijima island with excellent taste.

いりこ漁の様子 Part 1。
Japanese anchovies fishery Part 1.
いりこ漁の様子 Part 2。
Japanese anchovies fishery Part 2.

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参考文献 / reference
"伊吹島の民俗 : 香川県観音寺市伊吹町 : 特集号"(香川民俗学会,1991)

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