ウクライナに関する投稿記事のみ、実際の旅行体験に基づいていません。/ Only posts about Ukraine are not based on my actual travel.


The films shot in Ukraine remind me of "Battleship Potemkin" , "Sunflower" , and "Fiddler on the Roof."

映画では大平原の小さな村に見えましたが、キーウ(キエフ)から、今は電車で30分の郊外にあるボヤルカをモデルにしたそう。Google Mapsを見ると、ベッドタウン的な地区もあります。

The village in the film looked like a small village on the Great Plains, but, the model of the village was BoyarKa which was located in the suburbs, a 30-minute train ride from Kyiv now, and, it seems to be a commuter town.


The backdrop of the film is the Jewish exclusion movement Pogrom in the latter half of the 19th century. At the end of the film, the Jewish protagonists went abroad. In Babi Yar in Kyiv, the Holocaust took place during World War II.


The reason why I refer to Ukraine's delicate history is that President Zelensky is a Ukrainian Jew. It seems that Ukrainian society has matured over the 30 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, which didn't touch the history of Jewish exclusion. The monument established in 1991 stands on Babi Yar. President Zelensky's career as an entertainer began in 1997. Even if domestic friction on the negative history exists, that led to the election of a Jewish president shows the permeation of liberalism and the diversity of society. It is the driving force of resistance against Russia's tyranny.

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参考文献 / reference
