
Taos Pueblo is one of the oldest settlements in the United States.




Taos Pueblo, which is lined with Adobe apartments, surrounding a plaza and a stream passing through its center, dates back to the 11th century. The building is a metaphor for the mountains behind, with several families living in the same building. Perhaps because of the care, Adobe is as beautiful as the surface of pottery before entering the kiln.

It's a place like a paradise. But, it used to be surrounded by walls with more than 3m high to confront not only other tribes but also the colonial government in the 17th century and the siege of the US military in the 19th century. The walls delayed the US military attack but ended up with numerous deaths and destruction of the church. Now, the residents enter and exit through the door. Originally, the hole on the roof was the only entrance to the room in the lower part. Until the beginning of the 20th century, people used the hole. It was recently that their anxieties disappeared from living in this place.

Now, they are incorporated into the hostile American system. The threat has been gone, and the walls have disappeared. Taos Pueblo designated as World Heritage is in calmness. Still, they use river water, have no electricity (but car), and perform pre-colonial religious acts, along with the faith in the Catholic Church. Such their life looked like a new and quiet wall for the clever permeation of Western civilization.

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もっと詳しく → 旅行の時間 - 先住民を訪ねて - 3:タオス・プエブロ(タオス、ニューメキシコ、アメリカ合衆国)
When you want to know more → Time of Travel - Visit the culture of indigenous people - 3 : Taos Pueblo (Taos, New Mexico, USA)

参考文献 / reference
"Welcom to Taos Pueblo 'The Place of the Red Willows" (Taos Pueblo Tourism)

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