
I've been to neither London nor Paris, but three times to Buenos Aires. It is a global city where I want to visit repeatedly.



In the early 20th century, Argentina became one of the richest countries in the world with the export of wheat and beef with the advent of refrigerated ships. and the wealth went towards architecture. Since it was a peripheral area where neither indigenous nor colonial culture was mature, Buenos Aires had no interest in local culture and was filled with neoclassical architecture, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and rational architecture which derived from Europe. The lineup of those is more than in Europe, but the city has complicated shadows that Europe does not have. It is just ”Paris reflected in a cracked mirror" although I haven't been to Paris.

Anyway, a city of the immigrants from Europe, by the immigrants from Europe, for the immigrants from Europe is Buenos Aires. Its adoration for Europe was amplified by wealth and it surpassed Europe, but neither it is Europe nor it can become Europe. The sense of absence is the essence of shadows. In a sense, it is the base layer common to South America, that is, paradoxical locality. Buenos Aires as an extreme example of this is a place to overlook South America and Europe.

La Plata River and Buenos Aires. Between both are the Palermo Park and Aeroparque airport.
The Obelisk established to celebrate 400 years' anniversary of Buenos Aires. The state of being weightless is amazing though its height reaches at 71.5m.
The Pyramid of May statue stands in Plaza Mayo in front of the Presidential Palace in the center of Buenos Aires. The statue dates back to 1811 and was created to celebrate the starting point of Argentina's independence. It is the oldest national monument in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is rich in monuments that decorate the city, and this is one of the representative monuments.

Palacio Barolo. The highest building in South America when it was built. The masterpiece of Art Nouveau.
Galleria Guemes designed with Art Nouveau style. The architecture is splendid, but, it is a pity that the lineup of shops is usual since the area is located in the usual shops area of the central commercial district.
Avenida Presidente Roque Saenz Pena where is the Main Street of the downtown Buenos Aires. This area has many masterpieces of Bank Architecture.
Kavanagh Building, The masterpice of rationalism architecture in the world. It is a high class apartment.
Historical cafe, Las Violetas. It is located at unexpected place far from the central commercial district. It is crowded with Buenos Aires ladies of leisure.
The Palace of the Argentine National Congress designed with Neoclassical Style.

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