
Pueblo Deco is an architectural style that combinate Art Deco and the indigenous culture as the localism of the Southwest in the United States. 

キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater




The emersion of Pueblo Deco is said to be related to the fact that the Southwest attracted attention as a tourist destination due to the opening of the railroad in the 1920s. It is characterized by focusing on the adoption of indigenous shapes and patterns in the details rather than the skeleton of the building. The essence of Pueblo Deco is the Kimo Theater in Downtown Albuquerque.

The features of Art Deco are the vertical window layout and staircase-form design. On the other hand, mosaic tiles that imitate Hopi spirits, terracotta belts with Pueblo clouds, Navajo orientation and Acoma bird patterns, and rounded silhouettes are cited from indigenous culture. A unique architecture that combines localism and modern architecture has emerged.

On the main street in Downtown Albuquerque, there are three other representative architectures of Pueblo Deco.

キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
キモ劇場 / Kimo Theater
メイズル交易所 / Maisel's Trading Post
ライト交易所 / Wright's Trading Post
スキナー・ビル / Skinner Building

ご感想はこちらへ / Click here for your impressions

もっと詳しく → 旅行の時間 - 南西部の建築探訪 劇場巡り- 3 +プエブロデコ - 1:キモ劇場(アルバカーキ、アリゾナ、アメリカ合衆国)
When you want to know more → Time of Travel -Tour the architectures in the Southwest - Theater - 3 + Pueblo Deco - 1 : KiMo Theater (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)

参考文献 / reference
"Pueblo Deco" (Carla Breeze, Rizzolli, 1990)

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