
The Opera House of Oslo is located at the port facing the fjord.



Snohetta designed it not by difficult architectural concepts targeting the specialists but by a way that is easy for ordinary citizens to understand. Therefore, it is full of people even in the middle of winter.  I am sorry that I can't show the interior since photo is prohibited except the entrance hall.

One of the understandabilities is that they can climb from the ground to the roof. It is like the landscape of Oslo where mountains rise from the sea. However, here is Norway. Unlike Japan, no consideration to people is not paid. There are neither handrails on the slopes and the roof nor snow melting heaters, so they sometimes slip down on ice burns. While sliding down, I laughed a lot, feeling that this was Norway. In Norway, no one would inquire into responsibility. Norwegian think that such a thing will be normal, or they don’t mind about it at all. Even in the Opera House as the representative facility of the country, the looseness is common. Freedom exists here.

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