
The Bentota Beach Hotel is a hotel representing Bentota, which was developed as a resort by the Sri Lankan government in the 1960s.

See the exterior appearance from the beach.




The Bentota Beach Hotel opened in 1969, it seemed to be a little eclipsed by the newer Blue Water Hotel or Lighthouse Hotel among the Bawa's beach resorts. However, this hotel has a "something different" sense which doesn't dwell in other hotels. It is the attraction.

The Dutch fort used as a base of the hotel decided the building plan. The colorful folkloric textiles on the ceiling of the reception associate the world heritage site Dambulla Temple and others with a cave ceiling painting. The protruding upper floor is a quote from an old temple, and a cloister-shaped courtyard with a pond and tree-planted islands leads to monasteries and colonial architecture. The accumulation of details was the source of "something different". The approach to history and regionalism may have seemed regressive at the time when modernism flourished, but when I arrived at this hotel after having traveled around Sri Lanka, I realized it was a special place full of various awareness by the essence of Sri Lanka, in contrast with the modernism hotels built in the same era that has become old-fashioned.

The rooms are a bit small, but the lovely benches, both indoors and outdoors, with zigzags on the terrace walls, are a good example of "a small comfortable place" observed in many Bawa's works.

See the exterior appearance from the beach.
See the colorful folkloric textiles on the ceiling in the reception.
See the reception and its colorful folkloric textiles on the ceiling.
See the pond and the islands with trees in the courtyard.
See the restaurant and its colorful ceiling.
The corridor in the guest wings, which surrounds the courtyard.
Guest Room.
See the Indian Ocean from the hotel beyond the garden.
See the Bentota River from the hotel.

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もっと詳しく → 旅行の時間 - ジェフリー・バワの建築:ベントタビーチホテル、ベントタ駅(ベントタ、スリランカ)
When you want to know more → Time of Travel - Architecture of Geoffrey Bawa : Bentota Beach Hotel (Bentota, Sri Lanka)

参考文献 / reference
"Geoffrey Bawa the Complete Works" (David Robson, Thames & Hudson, 2002)

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