
One of my favorite places in Japan is the Shikoku Mountains. 

The dinner at Ki no Yume Totori. The right side of the upper plate is the exquisite kon-nyaku.





If looked up from the railway running down the valley floor, you will find the private houses on the high mountains, The Shikoku Mountains is the only region in Japan where people live with an isolated way and it may show the advanced life in the 21st century. 

The place to know its life is "Ki no Yume Totori (Totori, Dream of a tree)", a farmhouse inn. The abundant sun is the answer to ​​why this highlands were selected as the home. In the fields on the slopes around the house, various crops of small-quantity large variety are cultivated. Recently, a part of them can’t be harvested due to the damage of monkeys and wild boars, but basically, an autonomous environment in which they are self-sufficient other than rice, from vegetables to fruits, around the home is the life of the Shikoku mountains. The warm climate and the coolness of the mountains intersect here and supply a rich variety of crops. The traditional lifestyle has become an advanced lifestyle after history has made around.  

The meal consists of freshly harvested vegetables. Homemade kon-nyaku hardened with ash is unbelievably exquisite, compared with the kon-nyakus that I have eaten up to now. I realized again the richness of Shikoku Mountains.

The advice for a visitor is to ask the farmhouse owner to pick you up from the national highway to the farmhouse. A small car must go up by projecting out the front half of the car from the cliff and turning a steering wheel back.

See farmhouses standing on a steep slope. The center on the left side is Ki no Yume Totori.
Overlook the valley and Ki no Yume Totori early in the morning.
See the Shikoku Mountains beyond the valley from Ki no Yume Totori in the morning.
The traditional style life and house of Ki no Yume Totori .

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